Dr. Gloria Sklansky, beloved and extraordinary wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and psychologist passed away in 2006 after a long battle with leukemia. Gloria is survived by her husband, three sons and their families, including three beautiful grandchildren, as well as countless friends.
I was lucky enough to be blessed with her friendship for many years and it is nearly one year after her passing that I finally am able to sit and write this note.
To know Gloria was to adore her. I used to introduce her as the therapist's therapist, but in truth, Gloria was the best of so many things. For me, she was more than just a friend or a mentor, she was a second mother. I recall with great fondness our weekend outings, our afternoon cups of tea, and countless hours of chatting.
I miss her most, and feel her presence most, when I am working. Gloria is the reason I became a psychologist and was instrumental in my founding of Dr. Kathy & Company. Whenever I am working, I can feel her warm hand on my shoulder and her insightful words in my head.
I loved her very much and I miss her every day. The greatest compliment was paid to me recently by a mutual client who remarked, "I miss Gloria, but you know, you're so much like her." To be like her is to embody unbridled optimism, kindness, love and joy. And it's funny, lately I find myself sounding like Gloria and saying things she'd say. Whenever I do, I always smile. I hope I will always be as fine and skilled a clinician as she was. -KN