If you've just discovered your partner's affair, you're probably haunted by the WHY question. Why did this happen? Why me? Why her? Why? It absolutely makes sense that you're wondering this and everyone who's been in your shoes wonders the same thing. In fact, understanding why the affair happened is critical to your healing. Over the last 20 years, I've come to believe that affairs happen when three things occur at the same time...
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Julie called me yesterday and explained that she recently learned that her husband, Todd, was having an affair at work with a co-worker. Julie confronted Todd about the affair, he admitted that he had been cheating, but told her he wanted to stop and to save their marriage. Julie was thrilled to hear this, but ... View Post
Carlos asks: "Can infidelity be forgiven? My wife found some inappropriate messages on my iPad and now she says she'll never get over it. Nothing physical happened, but... obviously, it was not good. Will she ever forgive me? I am worried our marriage will never recover." Dr. K answers : I am really sorry this is happening to you guys, you must be very scared and worried. The good news is that yes, infidelity CAN be forgiven... but it takes time.
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If you've recently had an affair... or if you discovered that your wife or partner cheated... you're probably struggling to understand why. Truth is, infidelity is common and I believe that most people who cheat are trying to deal with some pain they're experiencing. Women cheat at about the same rate as men, but women's infidelity is talked about a lot less often... View Post
Natalie asks: "What are infidelity triggers? My boyfriend cheated and I don't know why. He told me that he doesn't know why, so I am really struggling to understand what caused this. Was it me? What did I do wrong?" Dr. K answers: Hi Natalie. Thanks so much for reaching out. I am really sorry y... View Post
If you've just discovered that your spouse had an affair, I am so sorry. You must feel shocked, devastated, betrayed, horrified, blind-sided, and profoundly hurt. I want to reassure you... ·You CAN get through this. ·This doesn't mean your marriage or relationship is over. ·This doesn't mean you... View Post
If your spouse just found out about your affair, there are a few things you should do right away... 1. Offer to talk, but don't push. Your spouse may or may not want to talk. Don't push, allow them to do what feels right to them. If they want to yell and scream, that is ok. Take breaks as need... View Post
Telling your partner that you know he or she had an affair is an extremely scary idea. In this post, we'll go over how to prepare for the conversation and exactly what to say, so you can move on and heal. I've included a sample script for you to use to plan out what to say. View Post